Attack surface management

Reduce Cyber Risk, Cut Costs

Protect Your Business with Automated, Real-Time Attack Surface Management.

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Continuous Attack Surface Management

Eliminate blind spots with automated discovery—Hadrian saves customers an average of 10+ hours per week on attack surface inventory.

Dynamic Asset Discovery

The attack surface evolves daily, but Hadrian’s Orchestrator AI continuously maps and scans for internet-exposed assets using ML algorithms that mimic hacker tactics to uncover forgotten assets and Shadow IT.

Gain visibility

Hadrian automates attack surface management by discovering and inventorying assets like domains, IPs, and cloud technologies, providing a filterable, searchable inventory exportable for analysis.

Reduce Downtime and Risk

Protect Your Business with Automated, Real-Time Attack Surface Management.

Book a demo to:

  • Monitor assets and config changes

  • Understand asset context

  • Identify risks, reduce false positives

  • Prioritize high-impact risks

  • Streamline remediation


Alle Fallstudien


Wie die London Business School Hadrians schnelle Risikoerkennung und Kontextualisierung nutzte

Wie die London Business School Hadrians schnelle Risikoerkennung und Kontextualisierung nutzte


Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sicherheitsteam von, um Risiken entsprechend ihren Bedürfnissen zu priorisieren

Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sicherheitsteam von, um Risiken entsprechend ihren Bedürfnissen zu priorisieren


Stärkung der Cyber-Resilienz von Empowering: Eine DORA-konforme Reise zum proaktiven Bedrohungsmanagement

Stärkung der Cyber-Resilienz von Empowering: Eine DORA-konforme Reise zum proaktiven Bedrohungsmanagement

Industry Leading

Hadrian is the only vendor recognized as both a Leader and Outperformer in the 2024 GigaOm Radar Report for Attack Surface Management.

Read report
Gigaom radar reports

Start your journey today

Experience faster, simpler, and easier automated penetration testing in a quick 20-minute demo.

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