Security Solutions

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Is Penetration Testing Dated?

The traditional approach to penetration testing is facing a critical question: is it dated? Penetration testers have been the front line of the offensive teams, wielding their expertise to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and architecture flaws. This role had been indispensable, but the pace of modern threats demands a new approach.

Penetration testing benefits

Penetration testing, a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies, offers a multifaceted approach to fortifying organizational defenses against evolving threats. By delving deep into network infrastructure, applications, and external assets, penetration testing serves as a proactive measure to identify vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

  • Identify Weaknesses: Discover vulnerabilities within your infrastructure, whether internal networks, applications, or external assets, to preempt potential exploits.
  • Mitigate Risks: Minimize the chance of security breaches, operational disruptions, and financial harm through comprehensive testing, embedded security checks, and efficient resolution processes.
  • Strengthen Defense: Proactively fortify your security posture by addressing potential points of entry for adversaries, both within your network and beyond. Leverage expert guidance for remediation and undergo retesting for up to 12 months.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Fulfill industry regulations and standards by regularly evaluating and enhancing your network security. Tailored reports include attestation letters and concise summaries for stakeholders.

However, in the face of ever-expanding and rapidly changing attacks surfaces, organizations often find that traditional penetration testing struggles to deliver its intended benefits. Adding to the challenge is the rapid rate of exploit development.

Offensive cybersecurity, viewing security through the eyes of a real threat actor, is essential. It helps identify gaps in cybersecurity and evaluate exposure posture. Three dimensions of offensive security include:

  • Accuracy and completeness of assessments 
  • Frequency and scope of scanning
  • Flexibility and cost of ownership

The Pitfall of Penetration Testing

This relentless cat-and-mouse game between defenders and adversaries highlights the need for more adaptive and proactive cybersecurity measures to effectively mitigate risks and safeguard organizational assets.

Penetration testers are no strangers to the challenges of effectively identifying, prioritizing, and managing vulnerabilities across a vast array of assets. The statistics speak volumes:

  • 69% of organizations have experienced an attack targeting poorly managed external-facing assets.
  • 68% of all cyberattacks exploit vulnerabilities that have had a patch available for over a year.
  • 86% of codebases contain at least one vulnerability, with 48% containing a high-risk vulnerability.
  • 52% of organizations are considering changing to new assessment solutions to reduce false positive alerts.
  • 66% of security teams find it difficult to protect complex and dynamically changing attack surfaces.

The Growing Need for Continuous Threat Exposure Management

Today's cybersecurity attackers pivot fast, leaving organizations scrambling to automate controls and deploy security patches to keep up, but such tactics don't reduce future exposure. Research has outlined continuous threat exposure management (CTEM) as a program that surfaces and actively prioritizes whatever most threatens businesses.

Exposure management operates across multiple domains, enhancing workflows to strengthen the cybersecurity posture of the organization. By 2026, organizations prioritizing their security investments based on a continuous exposure management program will be 3x less likely to suffer from a breach.


Legacy Tool Gap Analysis

Legacy penetration testing tools, while once effective, are now facing significant challenges in keeping pace with the dynamic threat landscape. Traditional tools, such as vulnerability scanners, SAST, and Security rating services often fall short in terms of accuracy, frequency, and scalability.

These tests may provide a false sense of security, as they often fail to comprehensively cover all aspects of the attack surface. Additionally, the manual nature of penetration testing can result in delays and limited scalability, making it difficult to keep up with the rapid rate of exploit development.

To address these shortcomings, organizations must embrace automated solutions that offer continuous exposure management. By leveraging AI-driven tools like Hadrian, penetration testers can enhance their capabilities, staying ahead of emerging threats and ensuring comprehensive coverage of the attack surface. It's imperative to transition from reliance on legacy tools to proactive defense strategies that can effectively mitigate the evolving risks of cyber attacks.

While traditional penetration testing remains crucial for testing critical infrastructure in-depth, it's clear that the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats demands a more adaptive and proactive approach. Automated testing, such as continuous exposure management, is essential to bridge the gap between assessments and ensure that every aspect of the attack surface is thoroughly tested for vulnerabilities.

Penetration testers must evolve their approach and embrace AI-driven solutions like Hadrian to stay ahead of emerging threats. It's time to shift from reactive to proactive defense, ensuring organizations are resilient against evolving cyber threats.

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